Komuter Taman Wahyu Station
Komuter Taman Wahyu Station is a Komuter transit station that serves commuters in the town of Jinjang Utara.
Latest Komuter Taman Wahyu Station sale listings:
Date | Property Type | Built-up | Price |
Today | Semi-Detached | 3,531 sf | RM2,600,000 |
Today | Condominium | 904 sf | RM520,000 |
Today | Apartment | 936 sf | RM468,000 |
Today | Condominium | 936 sf | RM468,000 |
Today | Office | 1,948 sf | RM510,300 |
Today | Office | 1,066 sf | RM311,850 |
Today | Condominium | 721 sf | RM315,000 |
Today | Condominium | 1,109 sf | RM475,000 |
Today | Condominium | -NA- | RM279,000 |
Today | Terrace | 1,668 sf | RM670,000 |
Latest Komuter Taman Wahyu Station for rental listings: